Budir elopement | Iceland wedding photographer

Quinn+Nick | Budir elopement | Iceland wedding photographer


Quinn and Nick are a very interesting couple from Malaysia and New Zealand, and they love adventure and travel. 

That is why they decided to do their wedding elopement photo session in Iceland. They chose for themselves the west coast of Iceland and early in the morning we set off. We always try to leave early to have time to get to the places we need by dawn, because this is one of the best moments for shooting and it doesn’t matter whether it is cloudy or clear sky, this atmosphere is unique. 

After a long journey and several stops to shoot, we decided to warm up and take a few photos at the Budir hotel, offering a pleasant view of the bay, and the interior is authentic. After that we visited the famous Icelandic black church Budakirkja. 

The guys decided to exchange oaths near the famous and majestic arch in Arnastapi. After tears of happiness, we went to Londrangar to enjoy views like in the Game of Thrones.

 At the end we visited another secret small but beautiful waterfall nearby and full of very positive and warm emotions went to rest in Reykjavik.


Thanks for watching!


Bookings 2024: Left only 2 available spots (yay!) GET IN TOUCH TO BOOK YOUR DATE