Same sex wedding at Reynisfjara black sand beach

Imagine eloping in Iceland, just like Hana and Christina did, starting their magical day early at sunrise to have the stunning black sand beach all to themselves.

 It was a day filled with love, laughter, and breathtaking Icelandic scenery, making every moment unforgettable. And we are so honoured to be their Iceland elopement photographer and help them to make it all happen! 

After a cozy start at their hotel, they exchanged heartfelt surprises gifts against a backdrop of majestic mountains. Then it was time to venture to the black sand beach. Climbing basalt columns and exchanging vows with the cliffs as their audience, their Iceland elopement was nothing short of magical. They embraced the wind, dodged the waves, and shared endless laughs, truly making the most of their special day.

Their adventure continued with more wedding photos at Skogafoss waterfall, capturing their love amidst the beauty of Iceland!

The day was topped off with a charming wedding picnic in front of Kvernufoss waterfall, complete with a beautiful wedding cake and champagne toast.

This elopement wasn’t just about the gorgeous locations but the intimate, joyful moments they shared. Whether you’re dreaming of an elopement at Reynisfjara black sand beach, stunning wedding photos at Skogafoss, or anywhere else in Iceland, remember, your day should be as unique as your love story!

As your Iceland wedding photographer, we’re here to capture every laugh, embrace, and breathtaking backdrop. Your Iceland elopement is more than just a ceremony, it’s the beginning of a lifetime adventure. 

Let’s make your elopement in Iceland a day to remember forever!


Bookings 2024: Left only 3 available spots (yay!) GET IN TOUCH TO BOOK YOUR DATE